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Bruton is easily accessible by road from the A303 and by train from London. Pick up a train from Paddington into Castle Cary and then either get a connecting train to Bruton or catch a 10 minute taxi journey. There is  also a train line from Waterloo to Templecombe which is a 15 minute taxi ride. 

Please note, the address for your stay is NOT where our shop is on the high street. The B&B is in a separate building a few minutes down the road at The Black Gates, Grove Alley (between Quaperlake St & Patwell Lane) Bruton, BA10 0ET. We are the black wooden gates set back opposite the Barbers. 


There are 3 spaces on Quaperlake Street which are free for 2 hours however after 3pm you are able to leave car here until the next morning at 10am. Alternatively there is a free car park by Godminster on Station Rd (BA10 0EH).The parking bays on Bruton High Street have the same restrictions.